Excel VBA For Complete Beginners
1.1 Adding the Developer Toolbar
1.2 The Excel VBA Editor
1.3 Watch a Macro Being Recorded
1.4 Excel Dot Notation
1.5 Excel VBA Developer Toolbar
1.6 Add a button to a spreadsheet
1.7 The Offset Property
1.8 The Resize Property
2. VBA Programming Variables (6 part section >>)
2.1 Variables
2.2 Variable Practice
2.3 Option Explicit
2.4 Add and Subtract
2.5 Multiply and Divide
2.6 Other Excel VBA Variable Types
- Conditional Logic ( 9 part section >>)
3.1 If Statements
3.2 Else ... ElseIf
3.3 Conditional Operators
3.4 Logical Operators
3.5 VBA Practice 1
3.6 VBA Practice 2
3.7 Select Case
3.8 VBA Practice 3
3.9 With ... End With
- Strings and String Functions (8 part section >>)
4.1 Text Strings in Excel VBA
4.2 Changing Case
4.3 Trim, Len, and Space
4.4 Excel VBA Replace
4.5 InStr, InStrRev, StrReverse
4.6 The Left and Right Functions
4.7 The Mid Function
4.8 A String Exercise
- Programming Loops (4 part section >>)
5.1 Excel VBA For Loops
5.2 Excel VBA For Each Loops
5.3 The Cells Property
5.4 Excel VBA Do Loops
- Programming Arrays ( 4 part section >>)
6.1 Arrays in Excel VBA
6.2 Arrays and Loops
6.3 Multidimensional Arrays
6.4 Arrays and the Split function
- Subs and Functions ( 6 part section >>)
7.1 Subroutines
7.2 Passing Values to a Sub
7.3 The Message Box
7.4 Functions in Excel VBA
7.5 Worksheets Functions
7.6 The Set Keyword
- Excel VBA and Text Files ( 2 part section >>)
8.1 Open a Text File
8.2 Writing to a text file
- Excel VBA and User Forms ( 6 part section >>)
9.2 User Form Buttons
9.3 Launching your User Forms
9.4 Add New Tabs to the Ribbon
9.5 Customize the Excel Ribbon
- An Excel Picture Viewer Project (12 part section >>)
10.1 Excel Picture Viewer
10.2 Design the User Form
10.3 Option and Command Buttons
10.4 Add New Photo Tab
10.5 Form Initialize Event
10.6 Get Textbox data
10.7 VBA Option Button Code
10.8 ImageBox VBA Code
10.9 Next and Previous Buttons
10.10 Add New Photo Button
10.11 Save New Image
10.12 Copy an Image with Excel VBA
Below are the steps to take to recover your unsaved new document in Microsoft Office Excel, Work, or PowerPoint 2010 if you inadvertently close it before saving it:
Another alternative!!! Depending on the operating system, files may also be browsed at following locations:
I read somewhere, Ctr+S is still your best friend...:D
1. How to recover an unsaved Microsoft Office Excel, Word, or PowerPoint file
How often have you faced a situation when you worked upon a new MS office excel/word/PowerPoint file and accidentally close the document before saving or worse lose power and the system shuts down – not your fault? I am sure there would not be a single person on this planet that never had this crunch.
Here is the good news…. :)
Microsoft Office has a fantastic feature built in where it can recover unsaved new documents!
To use this feature, ‘Auto Recover ‘ and “Auto Save” features should be enabled. Below are the steps to do so:-
1. Click the File tab.
2. Under Help, click Options.
3. Click Save.
4. Make sure the Save AutoRecover information every x minutes check box is selected.
5. In Word 2010, Excel 2010 and PowerPoint 2010, make sure the Keep the last autosaved version if I close without saving check box is selected.
1. Open the Office 2010 applications that you were using.
2. Click the File tab.
3. Click Recent.
4. Click Recover Unsaved Documents if you are in Word 2010, Recover Unsaved Workbooks if you are in Excel 2010 or Recover Unsaved Presentations if you are in PowerPoint 2010.
5. Your saved drafts folder will open in a new window. Select the file and then click Open.
6. In the business bar at the top of the file, click Save As to save your file to your computer.
Below are alternative steps to access these files:
1. Open the Office 2010 application you were using.
2. Open a new file or any existing file.
3. Click the File tab.
4. Click Info.
5. Click Manage Versions.
6. Click Recover Unsaved Documents if you are in Word 2010, Recover Unsaved Workbooks if you are in Excel 2010 or Recover Unsaved Presentations if you are in PowerPoint 2010.
7. You will see the list of your unsaved files. Select the file and click Open.
8. In the business bar at the top of the file, click Save As to save your file to your computer.
- Windows 7/Windows Vista
C:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\UnsavedFiles - Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\User_Name\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\UnsavedFiles
I read somewhere, Ctr+S is still your best friend...:D
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