Development, Test, QA, and Production Environments
Different types of environments:
- A Development environment is where you configure, customize, and use
source control to build an image of the Waveset application to be promoted to another environment. You also write an upgrade procedure in this environment that youfollow in each target environment. - A Test environment is where you test your upgrade procedure against controlled data and perform controlled testing of the resulting Waveset application.
- A QA environment is where you test your upgrade procedure against data, hardware, and software that closely simulate the Production environment and where you allow intended users to test the resulting Waveset application.
- A Production environment is where the Waveset application is actually available for business use.
- Waveset product means the product as shipped, with standard samples, JSP files, JARs, and configuration objects.
- Waveset application means the customer’s deployment of Waveset, which will be uniquely configured and might be customized, might include custom code and modified JARs, might be relabeled, and so forth.
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