Saturday, 21 February 2015


Note: These FAQ's up to QTP 11.0 What is the difference between the QTP & UFT? 1. What is API? 2. What is Server Test? 3. What is XM... thumbnail 1 summary
Note: These FAQ's up to QTP 11.0

What is the difference between the QTP & UFT?

1. What is API?

2. What is Server Test?

3. What is XML? What is the Use of XML?
XML stands for Extended Markup Language

4. What are the short cut keys for Record, Run, Stop in Recording modes in QTP?
Ans: Record - F3
        Run -     F5
       Stop    -  F4

5. How to debug the sript in QTP? What are the short cut keys
    Step in    - F11
    Step Out
    Step Over
    Break point
6. Explain about Error handling in QTP?



OnErrorGoTo(0) - No Error

 7. Where the object identification Available in QTP?

8. How to reverse the 123, this is integer number?

9. How many ways to reverse the string?

10. How to count array of the string?

11. Sort the 2 numbers without using thrid variable?


12. What is the difference between Array and Function?

13. What is the difference between Scalar Array and Dynamic Array?

14. By using the function how to return the multiple values? Give me an Example?
Using Arrays we can return the multiple values?

15. Give me an example how the function should return the multiple values with Arrays?

16. What is the difference between ByVal & ByRef?

17. I want to click the RadioButton? How select the RadioButton. 2,2 value given?

Heading 2
Heading 3


If that is link click on link, If that is image click on the image. How Click that


18. Suppose one paragraph is there in the text file. In that how to find how many times “Mahesh” is there. (FSO)

Ans: Wherever the Mahesh was there. At that we split(x,”Mahesh”)

19. How many methods are for read the text file? Write the Methods?


20.  Suppose aadhar number was there in that 6 digits are not repeated that is unique how to generate the 6 digit unique numbers.

Ans: By using the RandomNumber (1,999999)

21. What are classes use in the QTP?

22. how to run QTP Scripts on other machines / Remote machine? 
Ans: We can use QTP Automation object model for this. 
Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application", "<REMOTEMACHINE IP or NAME>") 

You also need to configure DCOM setting. QuickTest automation enables QuickTest to act as a COM automation server. Therefore, to run a QuickTest automation script on a remote computer, you must ensure that the DCOM configuration properties for that computer give you the proper permissions to launch and configure the QuickTest COM server.

23. What is the use of DOM Object?

24. What is the use of COM Object?

25. What is the difference between Array and Dictionary Object?
1. Array is declared like normal variable using Dim.
'Declaring array 
Dim arr(0)

2. We can have dynamic array

3. Before use of array we must set the sizeof array.

4. Before adding extra element into dynamic array, We have to use ReDim  statement
'Declaring array 
Dim arr()

'Resizing Array
ReDim arr(1)
0) = "UFT"
1) = "QTP11"
msgbox arr(0)

3. Array can have index only as numeric (0, 1, 2..)

4. We do not have any method to add, remove the elements.

Here Create the Automation object using CreateObject  method.

Creating Dictionary Object
Set obj = createobject("scripting.dictionary")

2. We do not have like array concept in Dictionary object.

3. We do not need to set the size of dictionary.

4. To dictionary object has many in-built functions / methods that helps to add, remove, access, keys, exists the elements by unique key.

For add the element use add method.
'Creating Dictionary Object
Set obj = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
'Using Add methods to add values to dictionary object

i) To locate items by using Dictionary object so we use item property


'Locating items in Dictonary
MsgBox obj.item("UFT")

ii) We can use keys to identify dictionary items and Keys can be of any data subtype(String,integer), except an array or dictionary.

3. When you delete a particular item from a dictionary,  all the subsequent items automatically shifts up

4. Dictionary object can't be multidimensional like Array's

ALM Note: Quality Center v10 Enterprise Edition" to "Application Lifecycle Management v11 Quality Center Edition".
UFT Note:  QTP 11.5 becomes UFT. So that Version is from UFT 11.5

Note: from QTP 11.5 call it as Unified Function Testing (QTP + API or Service Test)
QC 10.0 FAQ's                                                                                              QTP 11.0 FAQ's

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