Tuesday, 4 March 2014

QTP Window

QTP Window (UI) : Apart from these 3 add-ins qtp is always compatible with standard windows environment QTP serene is divided in to 5 parts ... thumbnail 1 summary

QTP Window (UI) :

Apart from these 3 add-ins qtp is always compatible with standard windows
environment QTP serene is divided in to 5 parts
1. Test Pane
2. Active Screen
3. Data Table
4. Debug Viewer Pane
5. Tool Options

1) Test Pane:

Test pane is an area provided by Q.T.P, which is used for developing, viewing and
modifying the test script.
It represents the Test script in 2 views.
1. Expert view
2. Keyboard view

QTP Main Window

Expert view:

Expert view represents the script in VB script format.

Keyboard View:

It represents the scripts using a graphical user interface, which is further divided,
into 4 parts.
1. Item
2. Operation
3. Value
4. Documentation

2) Active Screen :

Active Screen is a feature provided by Q.T.P which holds the snap shots related to
each and every script statement and used for understanding the script easily as well as
enhancing the script easily.
It is used for understand the script easily.
It is used for enhancing the script easily.

Active Screen capture level settings :

Write a program to disable active screen  ?
Dim x
Set x=createobject (“quicktest.application”)
x.showpanescreen “activatescreen”, false
Wait 3
Set x=nothing

3. Data Table :

A Data Table provides a way to create data driven test cases. Data table is also called as
formula1 sheet, which is developed by the third party and integrated with the Q.T.P. Each
test case has one global data sheet which is accessible to all actions inside that test case
and each action has its own private data table also known as local data table. The name
local data table is somewhat misleading because it is in fact possible to access any
action’s local data table from any other action, but the way of accessing the data becomes
a bit different.
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Figure 3.1 shows a sample DataTable with 2 parameters, Username and Password
We can use most of the formulas that work inside a typical Excel spreadsheet. But there
are some
differences between a DataTable and an Excel spreadsheet. In fact a DataTable is
wrapped around an Excel spreadsheet—which provides access functionality to the values
but does not expose the Excel spreadsheet object model.
‘Gives the value of Parameter1 stored in
‘The Global data table.
Data Table (“Parameter1”, dtGlobalSheet)
‘Gives the value of Parameter1 stored in
‘The current’s action local data table.
Data Table (“Parameter1”, dtLocalSheet)

The same Data Table cannot have duplicate parameter names but we can use the
same name Parameters in different sheets (Global Data Table and Local Data Table).
Each Data Table has only 1row enabled even when it is blank and the other rows get
enabled when data is entered into a new row. A Data Table is stored as “Default.xls” file in
the test folder

When viewed in Excel, the first row of the sheet contains the parameter names,
while QTP displays the parameter as the column titles. Therefore, when viewed using
Excel, the 2nd row starts the 1st row of data in the DataTable. The DataTable shown
above has only 2 data rows enabled. Note that QTP makes a data row enabled by marking
the borders of the row in the actual spreadsheet. A row with no data but with marked
borders is still considered as an enabled row by QTP. To delete an enabled row we must
select the row and delete it from the context menu which appears on right clicking the row.

Design and run-time data table :

Design time data table :

As the name suggest the data table during the script design time is known as design time
data table.
Any changes to this are saved when the script is saved.

Run-time data table:

The run-time data table contains a copy of the design time data table when a script is
executed. It may contain values that are changed during script execution and are
presented in the test result summary. The changes made to the data table during run-time
are not saved to design time data table. Figure 4-3 shows a run-time data table from the
test results summary

When to use the global or a local data table :

It is important to understand in what situations the global or a local data table should be
Consider the following two scenarios
Scenario 1 - Log into the application, book 1 ticket, log out. Repeat the scenario for
many users
Scenario 2 - Log into the application, book 3 tickets, and log out

Scenario 1:

The Global data table is better suited for this scenario where we have the user name,
and tickets details as the parameters and we execute the scenario using a single action
(which does
everything) or multiple actions (Login, booking and logout).

NOTE: We can use an external spreadsheet as a Data table by

Scenario 2 :

A Local data table is better suited for this scenario. Here a good approach would be to split
the test
into three actions: login, booking and logout. Login and logout can use the username and
parameters from the global data table and booking can use ticket detail parameters from
its local data table and the action will be executed for all rows in its local data table.

Data table object model:

QTP provides an object model to access various properties and methods in a data
There are three types of objects
DataTable - Represents all the global and local data tables in the test
DTSheet - Represents a single sheet in the test
DTParameter - Represents a single column in a sheet.
Each object has certain functions available and certain properties associated with
it. These are explained in detail in the QTP user manual.

Data table formatting :

When data is entered into the data table it automatically formats the value using
the best possible matching format. For example, if "12345678901" is entered into a cell
then it would be auto formatted to "1.23456789E+010". In situations where the formats are
important the data should be entered with care. If data entered in the cell start with a single
quote (‘) then it is always treated as a text and no format conversion is performed. We can
also define a specific format by right clicking the cell or an entire column and then picking
a specific format from the popup context menu.

1 How to access a parameter from the global data sheet

There are a variety of ways to access a parameter from the global data table, most
of which are
presented in the following code snippet:
'Methods of getting a Data Table value
Val = DataTable.Value ("ParamName", dtGlobalSheet)
Val = DataTable.Value ("ParamName","Global")
'By giving the sheet index starting from 1 for the global sheet
Val = DataTable.Value ("ParamName", 1)
' Sheet name or id is a optional parameter and is assumed
' to be as for global data sheet in case not provided
Val = DataTable.Value ("ParamName")
' Value property is the default property of the DataTable object
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' So DataTable ("ParamName", dtGlobalSheet) is
' Equivalent to DataTable.Value ("ParamName", dtGlobalSheet)
Val = DataTable ("ParamName", dtGlobalSheet)
Val = DataTable ("ParamName")
'Using the data table object model
Val = DataTable.GlobalSheet.GetParameter ("ParamName").Value
'Using the data table object model
Val = DataTable.GlobalSheet.GetParameter ("ParamName").ValueByRow(1)

2. How to access a parameter from a Local data sheet

'Various methods to get data table value
Val = DataTable.Value ("ParamName", dtLocalSheet)
Val = DataTable.Value ("ParamName","<LocalActionName>")
Val = DataTable ("ParamName", dtLocalSheet)
Val = DataTable ("ParamName","<LocalActionName>")
'The local sheet of the action which is executing this statement
Val = DataTable.LocalSheet.GetParameter ("ParamName").value

3. How to check if a Sheet exists

'Function to check if DataTable sheet exists
Function isSheetExists (sheetName)
On error resume next
isSheetExists = TRUE
Err. Clear
Set objSheet= DataTable.GetSheet (sheetName)
'In case error occurred sheet does not exist
If err. number<>0 then
isSheetExists = FALSE
End if
End Function

4. How to preserve format of data output to a data table

'This would be modified to 1.23456789E+010 due to auto formatting
DataTable ("ParamName") = "12345678901"
'This will not be auto formatted and will be treated as text
DataTable ("ParamName") = "'" "12345678901"

5. How to check if a parameter exists in a specific sheet

'Check if a parameter exists in data table
Function isParameterExists (sheetName, paramName)
On error resume next
isParameterExists = TRUE
Err. Clear
ParamTotal = DataTable.GetSheet (sheetName).GetParameter (paramName)
'In case of error the parameter does not exist
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If err. number<>0 then
isParameterExists = False
End if
End Function

6. Current iteration number of QTP script:

STR = "Current QTP iteration: " & Environment ("TestIteration") & vbNewLine & _
‘DataTable ("Param1", dtGlobalSheet) & vbNewLine & _
DataTable ("Param2", dtGlobalSheet)
MsgBox STR

7.How to export contents of a WebTable to a data sheet. Let’s assume
that the first row of the data table contains the columns heading. We then add those
as parameters of the data table:

‘Variable declaration
Dim i, j
Dim rowCount, colCount
Dim cellText, objTable
‘Get table object
Set objTable = Browser (“”).Page (“”_________________).WebTable (“”)
‘Get the row count of the webtable
rowCount = objTable.RowCount
‘Get the column count of the webtable header row
ColCount = objTable.ColumnCount (1)
‘Create an output sheet
Set outSheet = DataTable.AddSheet (“Output”)
‘Create Parameters based on the 1st row of the web table
For i = 2 to colCount
cellText = objTable.GetCellData (1,i)
‘Note in case the CellText contains space in between
‘then QTP will automatically convert it to a “_” character
outSheet.AddParameter cellText,””
‘Skip first row as we assumed it to be a header row
For i = 2 to rowCount
outSheet.SetCurrentRow i-1
‘Re-calculate the column count as some rows
‘Have different column sizes
colCount = objTable.ColumnCount (i)
For j = 2 to colCount
cellText = objTable.GetCellData (i, j)
‘We are using index here to avoid the problem of
‘the “_” issue if cell text has spaces or new line chars
‘then we will get an error. to overcome that we can also use
‘outSheet.GetParameter (Replace (cellText,” “,”_”)).Value
outSheet.GetParameter (j-1).value = cellText

8. How to get value of a parameter from any specific row in the data table

We use the ValueByRow method to get value for any row
‘Get a value by row
DataTable.GetSheet (“SheetName”).GetParameter (“ParameterName”).
ValueByRow (RowNumber)

9How to execute a script for all Global Data Table iterations, when the
script is set to run for only one iteration:

In case we want to manually repeat the code for each iteration, we need to write a bit
‘Declare variable
Dim i, iCount
‘Get the global sheet object
Set oGlobal = DataTable.GlobalSheet
‘Get # of rows
iCount = oGlobal.GetRowCount
For i = 1 to iCount
‘Set the current row
oGlobal.SetCurrentRow i
‘Execute the code to be repeated here
Msgbox DataTable (“UserName”)

10. How to get the number of columns that contain data:

To solve this problem we need to utilize the excel formula COUNTA. We add a parameter
to the data table with the formula and then read its value:
Add a new parameter with the formula
‘For Columns 1 of data table use A1:A65536
‘For column 2 of data table use B1:B65536 and so on
DataTable.GlobalSheet.AddParameter “New”,”=COUNTA(A1:A65536)”
‘Get the new value
Msgbox DataTable (“New”)

Note: The above code won’t work when there are no columns in the data table or all the
columns have been used

Data table Parameterization:

1. Record new script “www.mail.yahoo.com
2. Start recording and provide user name and password
3. Stop recording
4. Now create 2 column in Global data table named “user name” and
5. provide values for both column
6. With help of data table associated method properties the most popular is
value which is the default data table property. Now let us see how we
access values stored in data table.
Dim Uid, Pw
Uid =datatable.value (”user name”, dtGlobalSheet)
Pw =datatable.value (”password”, dtGlobalSheet)
‘After that changes it into
Browser (“mail yahoo”).page (“mail yahoo”).webebit (“username“ ).set “Uid”
Browser (“mail yahoo“).page (“mail yahoo”).webebit (“password”).set “Pw”
‘In order to move your pointer to next row, if we want to use second row just use the
bellow code

Working with the data table objects :

Adds the specified sheet to the run-time Data Table
AddSheet Method
Syntax: DataTable.AddSheet (Sheet Name)
Variable=DataTable.AddSheet ("MySheet").Add Parameter ("Time", "8:00")
DeleteSheet Method
Deletes the specified sheet from the run-time Data Table.
Syntax: DataTable.DeleteSheet SheetID
Example: DataTable.DeleteSheet "MySheet“
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Export Method
Saves a copy of the run-time Data Table in the specified location.
DataTable.Export (FileName)
DataTable.Export ("C:\flights.xls")
Uname=datatable.value (“uname”, dtGlobalSheet)
Pw=datatable.value (“pw”, dtGlobalSheet)
Dialog (“login”).winedit (name).set Uname
Dialog (“login”).winedit (“password”).set Pw
Datatable.export (“c:\login.xls”)
ExportSheet Method
Exports a specified sheet of the run-time Data Table to the specified file.
Syntax: DataTable.ExportSheet (FileName, DTSheet)
Example: DataTable.ExportSheet "C:\name.xls”, 1
GetRowCount Method
Returns the total number of rows in the longest column in the global data sheet or in the
specified data sheet of the run-time Data Table.
Rowcount = DataTable.GetSheet ("MySheet").GetRowCount
GetSheet Method
Returns the specified sheet from the run-time Data Table.
Example: MyParam=DataTable.GetSheet ("MySheet").Add Parameter ("Time", "8:00")

GetSheetCount Method :

Returns the total number of sheets in the run-time Data Table.

Import Method :

Imports the specified Microsoft Excel file to the run-time Data Table.

Syntax: DataTable.Import (FileName)
Example: DataTable.Import ("C:\flights.xls")

ImportSheet Method :

Imports a sheet of a specified file to a specified sheet in the run-time Data Table.
Syntax: DataTable.ImportSheet (FileNameSheetSource,SheetDest)
Example: DataTable.ImportSheet "C:\name.xls”, 1,"name"

SetCurrentRow Method:

Sets the specified row as the current (active) row in the run-time Data Table.
Example: DataTable.SetCurrentRow (2)

SetNextRow Method:

Sets the row after the current (active) row as the new current row in the run-time Data

SetPrevRow Method:

Sets the row above the current (active) row as the new current (active) row in the run-time
Data Table.

GlobalSheet Property

Returns the Global sheet of the run-time Data Table.

DataTable.GlobalSheet.AddParameter "Time", "5:45"

LocalSheet Property

Returns the current (active) local sheet of the run-time Data Table.
MyParam=DataTable.LocalSheet.AddParameter("Time", "5:45")

RawValue Property
Retrieves the raw value of the cell in the specified parameter and the current row of the
Data Table.
SyntaxDataTable.RawValue ParameterID [SheetID]
SheetID can be the sheet name, index or dtLocalSheet, or
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Value Property

Retrieves or sets the value of the cell in the specified parameter and the current row of the
run-time Data Table.
DataTable.Value(ParameterID [SheetID])

Option Explicit
Dim x, y, z

x = DataTable.Value(1,1)
y= Datatable.Value(2,1)
z = int(x) + int(y)
Datatable.Value(3,1) = z

1+1 = 2


Option Explicit
Dim x, y, z

x = DataTable.Value(1,1)
y= Datatable.Value(2,1)
z = x + y
Datatable.Value(3,1) = z

1+1 =  11


SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe"

Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set DataTable("UserName",  2)
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").SetSecure DataTable.Value("Password", 2)
Window("Flight Reservation").Close

DataTable.AddSheet "TestCases"


msgbox x

DataTable.DeleteSheet "Global"


msgbox x

'Data Driven Testing Using extenral sheet : XL Sheet

DataTable.AddSheet  "dTestCases"
DataTable.ImportSheet "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Testing\TestCases.xls", 1,3    'xl sheet , qtp 3 sheet
rc = DataTable.GetSheet("dTestCases").GetRowCount
For i =1 to rc
SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe"
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set DataTable.Value (1, 3)
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").SetSecure DataTable.Value(2,3)
Window("Flight Reservation").Close

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