project explanation:
' If Browser("Google").Page("Google").Exist Then
' Reporter.ReportEvent micPass "Google Page was exist","Pass"
' Else
' Reporter.ReportEvent micPass "Google Page was not exist","Fail"
' End If
' Datatable.Value(1,2) ="Pass"
' Datatable.Value(1,2) ="Fail"
'If Browser("google").Page("Google").Link("inbox").Exist Then
'End If
'Gui Testing:
'.Exist or check points
'+ve Testing
'DDT with xl sheet or notepad drin the data
'results pass to xl sheet otherwise use reporter.ReportEvent
' sal = basisal +hra +da+allowences
'sal = B(bn).p(pn).EditBox(en).GerRoProperty("text")
'same thing done with basic and hra and da and allowences
'finally caliculate the sal and display in particular colum or with msgbox
'xlsheetsal = datatabl.Value(1,1)
'If xlsheetsal = sal Then
' msgbox "Test is pass"
'End If
'regular expression;
' Browser("Google.*").Exist
' Browser("Google.[0-9])
'-Ve Testing:
'use recovery Scenario: Pop-up
'DDT use for testdata
'automat;ion testing process / test life cycle:
'Test planning:
'Generating the Basic tests
'report the test results
SystemUtil.Run ""
If Browser("Cannot find server").Page("Page").Link("TESTIMONIALS").Exist Then
Browser("Cannot find server").Page("Page").Link("TESTIMONIALS").Click
If Browser("Cannot find server").Page("Cannot find server_3").Link("Back.[0-9]").Exist Then
msgbox "Pass"
end if
msgbox "fail"
end if
add the .vbs file with test --. settings
add the associate all the repository files
add the recovery scenario files
run the drivr script
Test Object Model
3. utility object
ex: to open executable files and control that type of objects.
ex: vb flight application "path of the exe file" "path of the url"
4. automation objects:
set objxl=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Automation Testing Process:
1. Identify the Object Features under AUT in QTP:
Object identification
Frame work
QTP tool configurations
2. Generate the Basic Tests
generating tests are 2 types
or based scripts
descriptive programming based script
3. Enhance the tests
Enhance the scripts after generate basic scripts with the qtp tool features.
environment variables
recovery scenario
conrol structures
using mthods
connecting databases (oracle, sqlserver, mysql, db2,......)
operations with flat file, xl sheet, database,
object repository operations: delete, rename
object identification
smart identification
function libraries
4. debug the tests: after enhance the script debug the script with debug features in debug menu
5. running the tests: run the tests after debug the tests.
6. analyze the results: analyze the restults exp with actual
in test results window.
reporter.reportevent / msgbox
7. report the defects: report the defects after analyzing the tests in the test result window.
1. manual defect reporting
2. tool based defect reporing ex; quality center.
qc is 2 way integration features was there so that qtp tool can integrate with qc and other tools also like winrunner and loadrunner.
brs clrification
automation test cases
sanity testing
adhoc testing
smoke testing
functional testing
security testing
performance testing
netwrok testing
webtesting : cookies
regression testing
re regression tesiting
final regression testing
' If Browser("Google").Page("Google").Exist Then
' Reporter.ReportEvent micPass "Google Page was exist","Pass"
' Else
' Reporter.ReportEvent micPass "Google Page was not exist","Fail"
' End If
' Datatable.Value(1,2) ="Pass"
' Datatable.Value(1,2) ="Fail"
'If Browser("google").Page("Google").Link("inbox").Exist Then
'End If
'Gui Testing:
'.Exist or check points
'+ve Testing
'DDT with xl sheet or notepad drin the data
'results pass to xl sheet otherwise use reporter.ReportEvent
' sal = basisal +hra +da+allowences
'sal = B(bn).p(pn).EditBox(en).GerRoProperty("text")
'same thing done with basic and hra and da and allowences
'finally caliculate the sal and display in particular colum or with msgbox
'xlsheetsal = datatabl.Value(1,1)
'If xlsheetsal = sal Then
' msgbox "Test is pass"
'End If
'regular expression;
' Browser("Google.*").Exist
' Browser("Google.[0-9])
'-Ve Testing:
'use recovery Scenario: Pop-up
'DDT use for testdata
'automat;ion testing process / test life cycle:
'Test planning:
'Generating the Basic tests
'report the test results
SystemUtil.Run ""
If Browser("Cannot find server").Page("Page").Link("TESTIMONIALS").Exist Then
Browser("Cannot find server").Page("Page").Link("TESTIMONIALS").Click
If Browser("Cannot find server").Page("Cannot find server_3").Link("Back.[0-9]").Exist Then
msgbox "Pass"
end if
msgbox "fail"
end if
add the .vbs file with test --. settings
add the associate all the repository files
add the recovery scenario files
run the drivr script
Test Object Model
3. utility object
ex: to open executable files and control that type of objects.
ex: vb flight application "path of the exe file" "path of the url"
4. automation objects:
set objxl=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Automation Testing Process:
1. Identify the Object Features under AUT in QTP:
Object identification
Frame work
QTP tool configurations
2. Generate the Basic Tests
generating tests are 2 types
or based scripts
descriptive programming based script
3. Enhance the tests
Enhance the scripts after generate basic scripts with the qtp tool features.
environment variables
recovery scenario
conrol structures
using mthods
connecting databases (oracle, sqlserver, mysql, db2,......)
operations with flat file, xl sheet, database,
object repository operations: delete, rename
object identification
smart identification
function libraries
4. debug the tests: after enhance the script debug the script with debug features in debug menu
5. running the tests: run the tests after debug the tests.
6. analyze the results: analyze the restults exp with actual
in test results window.
reporter.reportevent / msgbox
7. report the defects: report the defects after analyzing the tests in the test result window.
1. manual defect reporting
2. tool based defect reporing ex; quality center.
qc is 2 way integration features was there so that qtp tool can integrate with qc and other tools also like winrunner and loadrunner.
brs clrification
automation test cases
sanity testing
adhoc testing
smoke testing
functional testing
security testing
performance testing
netwrok testing
webtesting : cookies
regression testing
re regression tesiting
final regression testing
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