What is the difference between User-Defined Function & Built-in Function?
User-Defined Function | Built-Function |
We Can Create the Functions with Function Names. Function Add_Numbers() ……………….. End Function Call Add_Numbers() | No need to Create these type of Functions. With QTP Software (i.e Vbs script) In built Available. By using that built in functions develop the script. Ex: To find the string length for this use built-in function: Len Function. x =”Mahesh” msgbox Len(x) Output: 6 |
Prerequisites to learn Built-In Functions:
- Clear idea on Different types of Sub Data Types
- Length of that Sub Data Types
Rem: It is used to insert comment or use Single quote (‘) for write a comment
Ex1 rem This is Insurance Project rem this is Contact Module ‘##################### |
List of the functions:
1. Conversion Functions (13)- 25
2. String Functions (16)- 30
3. Array Functions (7)
4. Date and Time Functions (23)
5. Math Functions (15)
6. Format Functions / Formatting Strings (4)
7. I/O Functions (3)
8. Miscellaneous Functions (18) / Other Functions
9. Rounding (5)
10. Variants (8)
All List of the functions Syntax:
1) Conversion Functions: Asc Chr CBool CByte CCur CDate CDbl CInt CLng CSng CStr Hex Oct
1) Asc: Returns the ANSI character code corresponding to the first letter in a string.
'ANSI Range Values: A-Z(65 to 90), a-z(97 to 122), 0-9 (48 to 57)
Ex 1:
Dim x
val = "Hyderabad"
msgbox asc(val) ' Output=72
msgbox asc("A") ' Output=65 It returns the value 65
msgbox asc("Z") ' Output=90
msgbox asc("a") ' Output=97
msgbox asc("z") ' Output=122
msgbox asc("ABC") ' Output=65
msgbox asc("*") ' Output=42
msgbox asc(1) ' Output=49
'ANSI Range Values: A-Z(65 to 90), a-z(97 to 122), 0-9 (48 to 57)
Ex 1:
Dim x
val = "Hyderabad"
msgbox asc(val) ' Output=72
msgbox asc("A") ' Output=65 It returns the value 65
msgbox asc("Z") ' Output=90
msgbox asc("a") ' Output=97
msgbox asc("z") ' Output=122
msgbox asc("ABC") ' Output=65
msgbox asc("*") ' Output=42
msgbox asc(1) ' Output=49
Ex 2:
Dim num
Dim num
msgbox num ' Output: 66
2) CBool: Converts an expression to a variant of subtype Boolean
Syntax: CBool(expression)
The expression argument is any valid expression.
If expression is 0, False is returned; otherwise, True is returned.
If expression can’t be interpreted as numeric value, a run-time error occurs.
Dim A, B , Check
Dim A, B , Check
A = 5 : B = 5 'Initialize the variables
Check = CBool(A=B) : msgbox Check 'Output: True
A=0 'Define variable
Check=CBool(A) : msgbox Check 'Output: False
Check = CBool(A=B)
msgbox Check ' Output: False
Check = CBool(A=B)
msgbox Check ' Output: False
3) CByte: Converts an expression to a variant of subtype Byte
Syntax: CByte(expression)
The expression argument is any valid expression.
Use the CByte function to provide conversions from any data type to a Byte subtype.
Dim MyDouble, MyByte
MyDouble = 125.5678 'MyDouble is a Double
MyByte = CByte(MyDouble)
msgbox MyByte 'Output: 126
MyDouble = 200.4678
MyByte = CByte(MyDouble)
msgbox MyByte 'Output: 200
Dim MyDouble, MyByte
MyDouble = 125.5678 'MyDouble is a Double
MyByte = CByte(MyDouble)
msgbox MyByte 'Output: 126
MyDouble = 200.4678
MyByte = CByte(MyDouble)
msgbox MyByte 'Output: 200
4) CCur: Converts an expression to a variant of subtype Currency
Syntax: CCur(expression)
The expression argument is any valid expression.
Dim amt, MyCurr 'amt is double value
msgbox MyCurr 'Output: 1086.4292
Dim amt, MyCurr 'amt is double value
amt = 543.214588
msgbox amt ' amt is a Double.
MyCurr = CCur(amt * 2) 'Convert result of amt * 2 (1086.429176) to a Currency (1086.4292).
5) CDate: Converts a valid date and time expression to the variant of subtype Date
Syntax: CDate(date)
The date argument is any valid date expression.
Use the IsDate function to determine if date can be converted to a date or time.
MyDate = "June 6, 2012" 'Define Date
MyDate = "June 6, 2012" 'Define Date
MyShortDate = CDate(MyDate) 'Convert to Date data type
msgbox MyShortDate 'Output: 6/6/2012
MyTime ="3:22:47 AM" 'Define time.
MyShortTime = CDate(MyTime) 'Convert to Date data type
msgbox MyShortTime 'Output: 3:22:47 AM
6) CDbl: To convert a value / expression into double Note: default variable type is variant
Converts an expression to a variant of subtype Double
Syntax: cdbl(Expression)
Ex 1:
Dim MyCurr, MyDouble
MyDouble = CDbl(MyCurr * 8.2 * 0.01)
Ex 2:
Dim b
msgbox VarType(b) '8 for String
msgbox VarType(b) '5 for Double
msgbox VarType (val) '8 for String
val=Cdbl (val)
msgbox VarType (val) '5 for Double
Dim x, y(3)
Msgbox VarType(x) '0 for Uninitialized /Empty
Msgbox VarType(x) '8 for String
Msgbox VarType(x) '8 for String
Msgbox VarType(x) '8 for String
Msgbox VarType(x) '2 for Integer
Msgbox VarType(x) '5 for Double
Msgbox VarType(x) '7 for Date
Set x =CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
Msgbox VarType(x) '9 for Automation Object
Msgbox VarType(y) '8204
y(3)= #10/10/10#
Msgbox VarType(y(0)) '8
Msgbox VarType(y(1)) '2
Msgbox VarType(y(2)) '5
Msgbox VarType(y(3)) '7
Ex 1:
Dim MyCurr, MyDouble
MyCurr = CCur(234.456784) ' MyCurr is a Currency (234.4567).
msgbox mycurr 'Output: 234.4568
MyDouble = CDbl(MyCurr * 8.2 * 0.01)
msgbox mydouble ' Output: Convert result to a Double (19.2254576).
Ex 2:
Dim b
msgbox VarType(b) '8 for String
msgbox VarType(b) '5 for Double
msgbox VarType (val) '8 for String
val=Cdbl (val)
msgbox VarType (val) '5 for Double
Dim x, y(3)
Msgbox VarType(x) '0 for Uninitialized /Empty
Msgbox VarType(x) '8 for String
Msgbox VarType(x) '8 for String
Msgbox VarType(x) '8 for String
Msgbox VarType(x) '2 for Integer
Msgbox VarType(x) '5 for Double
Msgbox VarType(x) '7 for Date
Set x =CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
Msgbox VarType(x) '9 for Automation Object
Msgbox VarType(y) '8204
y(3)= #10/10/10#
Msgbox VarType(y(0)) '8
Msgbox VarType(y(1)) '2
Msgbox VarType(y(2)) '5
Msgbox VarType(y(3)) '7
7) Chr: Returns the character associated with the specified ANSI character code.
Dim char
msgbox char 'Output: A
msgbox Chr(90) 'Output: Z
msgbox Chr(97) 'Output: a
msgbox Chr(122) 'Output: z
msgbox Chr(49) 'Output: 1
msgbox Chr(42) 'Output: *
Dim char
msgbox char 'Output: A
msgbox Chr(90) 'Output: Z
msgbox Chr(97) 'Output: a
msgbox Chr(122) 'Output: z
msgbox Chr(49) 'Output: 1
msgbox Chr(42) 'Output: *
8) CInt: Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Integer.
msgbox cint(10.3) 'Output: 10
Dim num
Dim num
msgbox MyInt 'Output: 123
msgbox VarType(b) '8 for String
msgbox VarType(b) '2 for Integer
Dim val
msgbox VarType (val) '8 for String
val=Cint (val)
msgbox VarType (val) '2 for Integer
msgbox VarType (val) '8 for String
val=Cint (val)
msgbox VarType (val) '2 for Integer
Msgbox val '100
msgbox VarType (val) '8 for String
val=Cint (val)
msgbox VarType (val) 'Error
Dim b
b="100.45"Dim b
msgbox VarType(b) '8 for String
msgbox VarType(b) '2 for Integer
Dim val
msgbox VarType (val) '8 for String
val=Cint (val)
msgbox VarType (val) '2 for Integer
msgbox VarType (val) '8 for String
val=Cint (val)
msgbox VarType (val) '2 for Integer
Msgbox val '100
msgbox VarType (val) '8 for String
val=Cint (val)
msgbox VarType (val) 'Error
9) CLng: Converts an expression to a variant of subtype Long
Syntax: CLng(expression)
The expression argument is any valid expression.
Use the CLng function to provide conversions from any data type to a Long subtype.
MyLong2 = CLng(MyVal2) 'MyLong2 contains 25428msgbox MyLong2
Dim MyVal1, MyVal2, MyLong1, MyLong2
Dim MyVal1, MyVal2, MyLong1, MyLong2
MyVal1 = 25427.45:MyVal2=25427.55 ' MyVal1, MyVal2 are Doubles.
MyLong1 = CLng(MyVal1) 'MyLong1 contains 25427
msgbox MyLong1
msgbox MyLong1
MyLong2 = CLng(MyVal2) 'MyLong2 contains 25428
10) CSng: Converts an expression to a variant of subtype Single.
Syntax: CSng(expression)
The expression argument is any valid expression
Dim MyDouble1, MyDouble2, MySingle1, MySingle2
Dim MyDouble1, MyDouble2, MySingle1, MySingle2
'MyDouble1, MyDouble2 are Doubles.
MyDouble1 = 75.3421115 : MyDouble2 = 75.3421555
MySingle1 = CSng(MyDouble1) ' MySingle1 contains 75.34211
msgbox MySingle1
msgbox MySingle1
MySingle2 = CSng(MyDouble2) ' MySingle2 contains 75.34216
msgbox MySingle2
msgbox MySingle2
11) CStr: To convert a value/expression into string.
Converts an expression to a variant of subtype String
Syntax: Cstr(Expression)
The expression argument is any valid expression.
Dim MyDouble, MyString
Dim MyDouble, MyString
MyDouble = 437.324 ' MyDouble is a Double.
MyString = CStr(MyDouble)
msgbox mystring 'Output: MyString contains "437.324".
msgbox VarType(mystring) '8 for String
12) Hex: Returns the hexadecimal value of a specified number
Syntax: Hex(number)
number argument is any valid expression.
We can represent hexadecimal numbers directly by preceding numbers in the proper range with & H.
Dim MyHex
Dim MyHex
MyHex = Hex(5) 'Returns 5.
MyHex = Hex(10) 'Returns A.
MyHex = Hex(459) 'Returns 1CB
13) Oct: Returns the octal value of a specified number
Syntax: Oct (number)
The number argument is any valid expression.
Dim MyOct
MyOct = Oct(4) 'Returns 4.
Dim MyOct
MyOct = Oct(4) 'Returns 4.
MyOct = Oct(8) 'Returns 10.
MyOct = Oct(459) 'Returns 713
2. String Functions:
2) String Functions: InStr InStrRev LCase Left Len LTrim RTrim Trim Mid UCase Replace Right Space StrComp String StrReverse
1) InStr: Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another. The search begins at the first character of the string.
Syntax: InStr([start, ] mainstring1, searchstring2[, compare])
start: (Optional) Numeric expression that sets the starting position for each search. If omitted, search begins at the first character position. If start contains Null, an error occurs. The start argument is required if compare is specified.
mainstring1: (Required) String expression being searched.
searchstring2: (Required) String expression searched for.
compare: (Optional) Numeric value indicating the type of search. Value 0 means binary comparison and value 1 means text comparison.
Str="How do you DO ?"
msgbox Instr(1, Str, "DO", 1)
'Output--> 5 , which means it found the string in 5th position for textual comparison
msgbox Instr(1, Str, "DO", 0)
'Output--> 12 , which means it found the string in 12th position for binary comparison
msgbox Instr(6, Str, "do", 0)
'Output--> 0 , which means it did not found the string after the 6th position for binary comparison
Syntax: InStrRev(string1, string2[, start[, compare]])
string1: (Required) String expression being searched.
string2: (Required) String expression being searched for.
start: (Optional) Numeric expression that sets the starting position for each search. If omitted, -1 is used, which means that the search begins at the last character position. If start contains Null, an error occurs.
compare: (Optional) Numeric value indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating substrings. If omitted, a binary comparison is performed.
Value 0 means binary comparison and value 1 means text comparison.
Str="How do you DO ?"
'InStrRev 'tot:15chrs
msgbox InStrRev(Str,"DO",-1,1)
'Output--> 12 , which means it found the string in 12th position for textual comparison
msgbox InStrRev(Str,"do",-1,0)
'Output--> 5 , which means it found the string in 5th position for binary comparison
msgbox InStrRev(Str,"DO",13,0)
'Output--> 12 , which means it found the string in 12th position for binary comparison
msgbox InStrRev(Str,"DO",10,1)
'Output--> 5 , which means it found the string in 5th position for textual comparison
3) LCase: To Coverts Upper case values into Lower case
Converts a specified string to lowercase
Ex1: Dim val,x
msgbox x 'O/P: hyderabad
Ex2: val="Hyderabad"
msgbox x 'O/P: hyderabad
Ex3: val="HyderabaD"
msgbox x 'O/P: hyderabad
Ex4: val="hyderabad"
msgbox x 'O/P: hyderabad
Ex5: x=Lcase("HYDERABAD")
msgbox x 'O/P: hyderabad
Msgbox LCase("HYDERABAD") 'hyderabad
Msgbox LCase("HYDerabad") 'hyderabad
Msgbox LCase("hyderabad") 'hyderabad
Msgbox LCase("HYDERABAD117") 'hyderabad117
Msgbox LCase(117) '117
4) Left: To get specified no. of characters from the left side of the given string.
Syntax: variable=Left(string,Lengh)
Ex1: Dim val,x
msgbox x ' O/P: Hyd
Ex2: val="9247837478"
msgbox x ' O/P: 9
Ex3: val="H92yderabad"
msgbox x ' O/P: H92
Ex4: x=Left(9247837478,5)
msgbox x ' O/P: 92478
Ex5: val=#10-10-10#
msgbox x ' O/P: 10-
Ex6: Val="Hyderabad"
Msgbox x 'O/P: Null
Ex7: Val="Hyderabad"
Msgbox x 'O/P: Hyderabad
Ex8: Val="Hyderabad"
Msgbox x 'O/P: Error (Length is Mandatory)
Dim val
Msgbox Left(val, 3) 'Hyd
Msgbox Left ("India", 2) 'In
Msgbox Left (100,1) '1
Msgbox Left (100.2345,4) '100.
Msgbox Left (#10-10-2010#,5) '10/10
5) Len: To find the length of the given string
the number of bytes required to store a variable.
Ex1: Dim Mystring
mystring=Len("A. Mahesh")
msgbox mystring 'O/P: 9
Ex2: Dim Mystring
Mystring=Inputbox("Enter a Value")
Mystring=Len(Mystring) ‘if enter abcde O/P: 5
Msgbox Mystring ‘if enter 454545 O/P: 6
Msgbox Len("Hyderabad") '9
Msgbox Len(100) '3
Msgbox Len(100.234) '7
Msgbox Len(#10/10/10#) '10
Msgbox Len(#Sep/10/10#) '9
Msgbox Len(#Dec/10/10#) '10
Msgbox Len("india") '5
6) LTrim: To remove the left side spaces of a given string.
Ex1: Dim val, x
val = " VB Script "
x = LTrim(val)
msgbox x O/P: “VB Script “
x = Len(x)
msgbox x O/P: 36 including spaces
Ex2: Dim val, x
val = "100 "
x = LTrim(val)
msgbox x O/P: “100 “
x = Len(x)
msgbox x O/P: 23 including spaces
Ex3: Dim val, x
val = " 2#$%^ "
x = LTrim(val)
msgbox x O/P: “2#$%^ "
x = Len(x)
msgbox x O/P: 25
Ex4: Dim val, x
val = " VBScript "
x = LTrim(val)
msgbox x O/P: “VBScript "
x = Len(x)
msgbox x O/P: 28
Ex5: Dim val, x
val = 100
x = LTrim(val)
msgbox x
x = Len(x)
msgbox x O/P: 3
7) RTrim: To remove the right side spaces of a given string.
Ex1: Dim val
val = "VB Script "
x = RTrim(val)
msgbox x O/P: “VB Script”
x = Len(x)
msgbox x O/P: 9
Ex2: Dim val
val = " 100 "
x = RTrim(val)
msgbox x O/P: “ 100”
x = Len(x)
msgbox x O/P: 23 including spaces
Ex3: Dim val
val = " 2#$%^"
x = RTrim(val)
msgbox x O/P: " 2#$%^"
x = Len(x)
msgbox x O/P: 25 including spaces
Ex4: Dim val
val = " VBScript "
x = RTrim(val)
msgbox x O/P: " VBScript"
x = Len(x)
msgbox x O/P: 28
Ex5: Dim val
val = 100
x = RTrim(val)
msgbox x O/P: 100
x = Len(x)
msgbox x O/P: 3
8) Trim: To remove spaces from both (left & right) sides of a string.
Ex1: Dim MyVar
MyVar = LTrim(" vb script ") O/P: "vb script "
MyVar = RTrim(" vb script ") O/P: " vb script"
MyVar = Trim(" vb script ") O/P: "vb script"
Note: don’t display the quotes in o/p
Ex2. Dim val, x
val = " VB Script"
x = Trim(val)
msgbox x O/P: VBScript
x = Len(x)
msgbox x O/P: 9
Ex3: Dim val, x
val = " 100"
x = Trim(val)
msgbox x O/P: 100
x = Len(x)
msgbox x O/P: 3
Ex4: Dim val, x
val = " 2#$%^"
x = Trim(val)
msgbox x O/P: 2#$%^
x = Len(x)
msgbox x O/P: 5
Ex5: Dim val, x
val = " VB Script "
x = Trim(val)
msgbox x O/P: VB Script
x = Len(x)
msgbox x O/P: 9
Dim val
val=" VB Script "
Msgbox val
Msgbox Trim (val) 'Output: VBScript
Msgbox LTrim (val) 'Output: VBScript "
Msgbox RTrim (val) 'Output: VBScript"
9) Mid: To get a specified no. of characters from a given string.
Ex1: Dim P
P=mid(P,4,Len(P)-5) or mid(P,4,5)
Msgbox P O/P: 456
Ex2: Dim val,x
msgbox x ' O/P: rab
Ex3: val="Hyderabad"
msgbox x ' O/P: rabid
Ex4: val="9247837478"
msgbox x ' O/P: 37478
Ex5: val="H92yderabad"
msgbox x ' O/P: H92yderabad
Ex6: x=Mid(9247837478,5)
msgbox x ' O/P: 837478
Ex7: val=#10-10-10#
msgbox x ' O/P: 0/2010
Ex8: Val=100
Msgbox x ' O/P: 100
Ex9: Val="Hyderabad"
Msgbox x ' O/P: a
Ex10: Val="Hyderabad"
Msgbox x ' O/P: Null
Ex11: Val="Hyderabad"
Msgbox x ' O/P: Null
Ex12: Val=#10-10-10#
Msgbox x ' O/P: /10
Ex13: Val=#2010-10-10#
Msgbox x ' O/P: 0/2010
Ex14: Val="Hyderabad"
Msgbox x ' O/P: Error
Msgbox Left("Hyderabad",3) 'Hyd
Msgbox Mid("Hyderabad",1, 3) 'Hyd
Msgbox Right("Hyderabad",3) 'bad
Msgbox Mid("Hyderabad",7) 'Hyd
Msgbox Mid("Hyderabad",4, 3) 'era
10) UCase: To Coverts Lower case values into Upper case (or)
Converts a specified string to uppercase
Ex1: Dim val,x
msgbox 'O/P: HYDERABAD
Ex2: val="Hyderabad"
msgbox x 'O/P: HYDERABAD
Ex3: val="HederabaD"
msgbox x 'O/P: HYDERABAD
Ex4: val="hyderabad"
msgbox x 'O/P: HYDERABAD
Ex5: x=Ucase("HYDERABAD")
msgbox x 'O/P: HYDERABAD
Msgbox UCase("HYDerabad") 'HYDERABAD
Msgbox UCase("hyderabad") 'HYDERABAD
Msgbox UCase("HYDERABAD117") 'HYDERABAD117
Msgbox UCase(117) '117
11) Replace: Replaces a specified part of a string with another string a specified number of times.
Ex1: mystring=Replace("kb script", "k","v")
msgbox mystring O/P: vb script
12) Right: To get specified number of characters from the right side of a given string.
Syntax: variable=Right (string, Lengh)
Ex1: Dim val, x
msgbox x ' O/P: bad
Ex2: val="9247837478"
msgbox x ' O/P: 8
Ex3: val="H92yderabad"
msgbox x ' O/P: bad
Ex4: x=Right(9247837478,5)
msgbox x ' O/P: 37478
Ex5: val=#10-10-10#
msgbox x ' O/P: /2010
Ex6: Dim AnyString, MyStr
AnyString = "Hello World" ' Define string.
MyStr = Right(AnyString, 1) ' O/P: d
MyStr = Right(AnyString, 6) ' O/P: World
MyStr = Right(AnyString, 20) ' O/P: Hello World
Dim val
Msgbox Right(val, 3) 'bad
Msgbox Right ("India", 2) 'ia
Msgbox Right (100,1) '0
Msgbox Right (100.2345,4) '2345
Msgbox Right (#10-10-2010#,5) '/2010
13) Space: To return a string consists of a specified number of spaces.
Ex1: a="sai"
x=a & space(6) & b
msgbox x 'O/P: sai ram
14) StrComp: Compares two strings (Binary and textual) and returns a value that represents the result of the comparison.
It compares two string based on ASCII values and Returns
-1 (1st less than 2nd), 0 (Equal) and 1 (1st greater than 2nd)
if a) Both are equal, returns 0(zero)
b) String 1 > string 2, returns 1(one)
c) String 2 > string 1, returns -1
Ex1: Dim str1, str2, x
msgbox x 'O/P: 0
Ex2: str1="india"
msgbox x 'O/P: 0
Ex3: str1="India"
msgbox x 'O/P: -1
Ex4: str1="Indian"
msgbox x 'O/P: -1
Ex5: str1="Indian"
msgbox x 'O/P: 1
Ex6: str1=100
msgbox x 'O/P: 0
Ex7: str1=100
msgbox x 'O/P: -1
Ex8: Dim x, y
x="cd": y="bcd"
msgbox comp 'O/P: 1
Dim str1, str2
Msgbox StrComp(str1, str2) '-1
Msgbox StrComp(str1, str2, 0) '-1
Msgbox StrComp(str1, str2, 1) '0
Msgbox StrComp(str1, str2) '1
Msgbox StrComp(str1, str2, 0) '1
Msgbox StrComp(str1, str2, 1) '0
Msgbox StrComp(str1, str2) '0
15) String: Returns a string that contains a repeating character of a specified length
16) StrReverse: Reverses a given string.
Ex1: x=dog
Msgbox UCase(strReverse(x)) O/P: GOD
Ex1: x=strreverse ("dabaraedyh")
msgbox x 'O/P: hydearabad
Ex2: Dim val,x
msgbox x ' O/P: dabaredyH
Ex3: val="001"
msgbox x ' O/P: 100
Ex5: val=#10-10-10#
msgbox x 'O/P: 0102/01/01
3. Array Functions:
3) Array Functions: Array Filter IsArray Join LBound Split UBound
1) Array: Returns a variant containing an array
Ex1: Dim A
msgbox A(0) O/P hyderabad
ReDim A(5)
msgbox A(4) O/P Nellore
Ex2: var = array(100, "india","#22-05-2012#")
msgbox var(0) O/P: 100
msgbox var(1) O/P: india
msgbox var(2) O/P: #22-05-2012#
2) Filter
Returns a zero-based array that contains a subset of a string array based on a filter criteria
3) IsArray: It checks weather the given variable is an array or not. It returns a Boolean value.
Dim var1, var2, x
var1 = Array("Hyderabad", "Chennai", "Nellore")
x= IsArray(var1)
msgbox x O/P: True
msgbox x O/P: False
Dim a
Msgbox IsArray(a) 'False
a= Array("India",100, 100.345, #10/10/2011#)
Msgbox IsArray(a) 'True
Msgbox a(1) '100
Dim a, b(3), c(), d(3,4)
Msgbox IsArray(a) 'False
Msgbox IsArray(b) 'True
Msgbox IsArray(c) 'True
Msgbox IsArray(d) 'True
4) Join: Returns a string that created by joining a number of substrings in an array.
Dim mystring, myarray(3)
myarray(0)="Ananda "
myarray(1)="Rao "
msgbox mystring O/P: Ananda Rao Mahesh
5) LBound: Returns the smallest subscript for the indicated dimension of an array
6) UBound: Returns the largest subscript for the indicated dimension of an array
Ex1: Dim x(3), y(4,5)
Msgbox Lbound(x) '0
Msgbox UBound(x) '3
'Find size of the Array
Msgbox UBound(x)+1 '4
Msgbox Lbound(y,1) '0
Msgbox Lbound(y,2) '0
Msgbox UBound(y,1) '4
Msgbox UBound(y,2) '5
7) Split: To returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array contains a specified number of substrings.
Ex1: s = "open 4 record"
msgbox s O/P: open 4 record
arr = split(s , " ")
msgbox arr(0) O/P: open
msgbox arr(1) O/P: 4
msgbox arr(2) O/P: record
msgbox join(arr," ") O/P: open 4 record
Ex2: Dim a, b, x
b = "VB Script is a Powerful scipting language"
a=Split(b, " ")
msgbox x
msgbox x
msgbox a(6)
Ex3: Dim a, b, x
b = "VB,Script,is,a,Powerful,scripting,language"
a=Split(b, ",")
msgbox a(5) O/P scripting
Ex4: Dim a, b, x
b = "VB@Script@is@a@Powerful@scipting@language"
a=Split(b, "@")
msgbox a(5) O/P scripting
Ex5 Dim a, b, x
b = "VB Script is a Powerful scripting language"
msgbox a(5) O/P scripting
Ex6 Dim a, b, x
b = "VBScriptisaPowerful sciptinglanguage"
msgbox a(5) O/P: script out of range error
Dim val, x
val="VB Script Language"
Msgbox IsArray(x) 'False
x=Split (val)
Msgbox IsArray(x) 'True
x=Split (val,"@")
Msgbox x(0) 'Script
x=Split (val,"@#")
Msgbox x(2) 'Language
Dim val, x, y
y=Split (x(1),".")
Msgbox x(0) 'abcde
Msgbox y(0) 'gmail
Msgbox y(1) 'com
4. Date and Time Functions:
4) Date and Time Functions: CDate DateAdd DateDiff DatePart DateSerial
DateValue Day FormatDateTime Hour IsDate Minute Month
MonthName Second Timer TimeSerial TimeValue Weekday
WeekdayName Year Date Time Now
DateValue Day FormatDateTime Hour IsDate Minute Month
MonthName Second Timer TimeSerial TimeValue Weekday
WeekdayName Year Date Time Now
1) CDate: Converts a valid date and time expression to the variant of subtype Date
Date Returns the current system date
2) DateAdd: Returns a date to which a specified time interval has been added
3) DateDiff: Returns the number of intervals between two dates. (day / month)
The following examples subtract date1 from date2 complete d, m, y.
Ex1: Dim Date1, Date2, x Date1=#10-10-09# Date2=#10-10-11# x=DateDiff("yyyy", Date1, Date2) Msgbox x 'Difference in Years O/P: 2 |
Ex2: Date1=#10-10-09# Date2=#10-10-11# x=DateDiff("q", Date1, Date2) Msgbox x 'Difference in Quarters O/P: 8 |
Ex3: Date1=#10-10-09# Date2=#10-10-11# x=DateDiff("m", Date1, Date2) ' m for month Msgbox x 'Difference in Months O/P: 24 |
Ex4: Date1=#10-10-09# Date2=#10-10-11# x=DateDiff("w", Date1, Date2) Msgbox x 'Difference in weeks O/P: 104 |
Ex5: Date1=#10-10-09# Date2=#10-10-11# x=DateDiff("d", Date1, Date2) ' d for day Msgbox x 'Difference in days O/P: 730 |
Dim myday
msgbox x
Ex6: Date1=#10-10-09# Date2=#10-10-11# x=DateDiff("y", Date1, Date2) ' it considers days only Msgbox x 'Difference in days O/P: 730 |
Ex7: Date1=#10-10-09# Date2=#10-10-11# x=DateDiff("h", Date1, Date2) Msgbox x 'Difference in Hours O/P: 17520 |
Ex8: Date1=#10-10-09# Date2=#10-10-11# x=DateDiff("n", Date1, Date2) Msgbox x 'Difference in Minutes O/P: 1051200 |
Ex9: Date1=#10-10-09# Date2=#10-10-11# x=DateDiff("s", Date1, Date2) Msgbox x 'Difference in Seconds O/P: 63072000 |
Ex10: Date1=#10-10-09# Date2=#10-10-11# x=DateDiff("y", Date1, Date2) Msgbox x 'Difference in day of years O/P: 730 |
Ex11: Date1=#10-10-09# Date2=#10-10-11# x=DateDiff("a", Date1, Date2) Msgbox x 'Error O/P: Invalid Procedure call |
Ex12: Date1=#10-10-09# Date2=#10-10-11# x=DateDiff(Date1, Date2) Msgbox x 'Error O/P: Invalid Procedure call |
Ex13: Dim d, m, y Date1=#10-10-09# Date2=#10-10-11# d=DateDiff("d", Date1, Date2) ' d for day m=DateDiff("m", Date1, Date2) ' m for months y=DateDiff("yyyy", Date1, Date2) ' yyyy for years msgbox y &space(5) &m &space(5) & d ‘Output: 2 24 730 |
Dim Date1, Date2
Msgbox DateDiff ("d", Date1, Date2) &" Days" '731 Days
Msgbox DateDiff ("yyyy", Date1, Date2) &" Years" '2 Years
Msgbox DateDiff ("q", Date1, Date2) &" Quarters" '8 Quarters
Msgbox DateDiff ("w", Date1, Date2) &" Weeks" '104 Weeks
Msgbox DateDiff ("m", Date1, Date2) &" Months" '24 Months
Msgbox DateDiff ("h", Date1, Date2) &" Hours" '17544 Hours
Msgbox DateDiff ("n", Date1, Date2) &" Minutes" '1052640 Minutes
Msgbox DateDiff ("s", Date1, Date2) &" Seconds" '63158400 Seconds
4) DatePart: Returns the specified part of a given date
5) DateSerial: Returns the date for a specified year, month, and day
6) DateValue: Returns a date
7) Day: Returns a number that represents the day of the month (between 1 and 31, Inclusive)
Ex1: Dim myday myday=Day("17,December,2009") msgbox myday O/P: 17 |
Ex2: Dim myday mydate=date myday=Day(Mydate) msgbox myday ‘today date is 17 may 2012: O/P: 17 |
8) FormatDateTime: Returns an expression formatted as a date or time
9) Hour: Returns a number that represents the hour of the day (between 0 and 23,
Ex1: Dim mytime, Myhour mytime=Now myhour=hour (mytime) msgbox myhour ‘now time is 11:19 PM- O/P: 23 |
10) IsDate: It checks weather the given value is Date type data or not. It returns
a boolean value.
Ex1: Dim myDate , x myDate = 100 x = IsDate(myDate) msgbox x O/P: False |
Ex2: myDate = "india" x=IsDate(myDate) msgbox x O/P: False |
Ex3: myDate = #10/05/2010# x=IsDate(myDate) msgbox x O/P: True |
Ex4: myDate = #10-05-2010# x=IsDate(myDate) msgbox x O/P: True |
Ex5: myDate = #01-06-12# x=IsDate(myDate) msgbox x O/P: True |
Ex6: myDate = 01-06-2012 x=IsDate(myDate) msgbox x O/P: False |
Msgbox IsDate("India") 'False
Msgbox IsDate(100) 'False
Msgbox IsDate(100.345) 'False
Msgbox IsDate(#10-10-10#) 'True
Msgbox IsDate(#10-10-2010#) 'True
Msgbox IsDate(#10/10/2010#) 'True
Msgbox IsDate(#Sep-10-2010#) 'True
Msgbox IsDate(#December-10-2010#) 'True
Msgbox IsDate(#13/10/2010#) 'True
Msgbox IsDate(#13/13/2010#) 'Error
11) Minute: Returns a number that represents the minute of the hour (between 0 and 59, inclusive)
12) Month: Returns a number that represents the month of the year (between 1 and 12, inclusive)
13)MonthName: Returns the name of a specified month
14) Now: Returns the current system date and time
Ex1: msgbox now O/P : 6/1/2012 1:56:45 AM |
15) Second: Returns a number that represents the second of the minute (between 0 and 59, inclusive)
16) Time: Returns the current system time Or
Returns a Variant of subtype Date indicating the current system time.
Returns a Variant of subtype Date indicating the current system time.
Ex1: Dim mytime mytime=Time msgbox mytime O/P : 11:40:03 PM |
17) Timer: Returns the number of seconds since 12:00 AM (midnight)
Function myTime(N)
Dim StartTime, EndTime
Dim StartTime, EndTime
StartTime = Timer
For I = 1 To N
EndTime = Timer
myTime= EndTime - StartTime
msgbox myTime
End Function
End Function
Call myTime(2000) O/P: 7.609863
SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe","","C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\","open"
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set "asdf"
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").SetSecure "4ecdb9b8782b45abd52fe0071501985aefa77c16"
Window("Flight Reservation").Close
Msgbox var2-var1
SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe","","C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\","open"
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set "asdf"
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").SetSecure "4ecdb9b8782b45abd52fe0071501985aefa77c16"
Window("Flight Reservation").Close
Msgbox var2-var1
18)TimeSerial: Returns the time for a specific hour, minute, and second
19)TimeValue: Returns a time
20) Weekday: Returns a number that represents the day of the week
(between 1 and 7, inclusive)
Ex1: msgbox weekday("01-06-2012") O/P : 6 msgbox weekday(#June 01, 2012#) O/P : 6 msgbox weekday(#July 01, 2012#) O/P : 1 |
21)WeekdayName: Returns the weekday name of a specified day of the week
Ex1: msgbox weekdayname(weekday("01-06-2012")) O/P: Friday msgbox weekdayname(weekday(#June 01, 2012#)) O/P: Friday msgbox weekdayname(weekday(#July 01, 2012#)) O/P: Sunday |
22) Year: Returns a number that represents the year
23) Date: Returns the current system date
Ex: Dim mydate mydate=Date msgbox mydate Output: 5/21/2012 |
Date Manipulation Examples:
' show todays date MsgBox Date ' show the time MsgBox Time ' show both the date and time MsgBoxNow ' calculate the minimum Date of Birth for someone who is 18 years old strMinDoB = DateAdd("yyyy", -18, Date) MsgBox strMinDob ' show the number of years difference between strMinDob and today MsgBox DateDiff("yyyy", strMinDob, Date) ' show the hour portion of the time MsgBox DatePart("h", Time) ' show the day portion of the date MsgBox Day(strMinDob) ' show the month portion of the date MsgBox Month(strMinDob) ' show the year portion of the date MsgBox Year(strMinDob) ' show the weekday portion of the date ' Sunday=1, Monday=2, --> Saturday=7 MsgBox WeekDay(strMinDob) Note: Acceptable 'Interval' parameters for DatePart, DateAdd and DateDiff... "yyyy" = Year "q" = Quarter "m" = Month "y" = Day of year "d" = Day "w" = Weekday "ww" = Week of year "h" = Hour "n" = Minute "s" = Second |
msgbox Date '17-Mar-14
msgbox Time '07:07:53 PM
msgbox Now '17-Mar-14 07:08:13 PM
msgbox Date &" "&Time '17-Mar-14 07:08:38 PM
msgbox Time &" " &Date '07:09:04 PM 17-Mar-14
Time: Returns the current system time Or
Returns a Variant of subtype Date indicating the current system time.
Returns a Variant of subtype Date indicating the current system time.
Ex1: Dim mytime mytime=Time msgbox mytime O/P : 11:40:03 PM |
Now: Returns the current system date and time
Ex1: msgbox now O/P : 6/1/2012 1:56:45 AM |
5) Math Functions: Abs Atn Cos Exp Hex Int Fix Log Oct Rnd Sgn Sin Sqr
Tan Round
1) Abs: Returns the absolute value of a given number
Ex1: Dim num
msgbox num O/P: 50.33
Ex2: Dim num
num = 157.67
msgbox num O/P: 157.67
Note: It provide only positive value
2) Atn
Returns the arctangent of a specified number
3) Cos
Returns the cosine of a specified number (angle)
4) Exp
Returns e raised to a power
5) Hex
Returns the hexadecimal value of a specified number
6) Int
Returns the integer part of a specified number
7) Fix
Returns the integer part of a specified number
8) Log
Returns the natural logarithm of a specified number
9) Oct
Returns the octal value of a specified number
10) Rnd
Returns a random number less than 1 but greater or equal to 0
11) Sgn
Returns an integer that indicates the sign of a specified number
12) Sin
Returns the sine of a specified number (angle)
13) Sqr
Returns the square root of a specified number
14) Tan
Returns the tangent of a specified number (angle)
15) Round: It is used for round the value of a given value. Or
Returns a number, rounded to a specified number of decimal places.
Note: if the decimal point above .5 it returns next nearest value
If the decimal point below .5 it returns before integer value.
Ex1: Dim num
msgbox num O/P: 172
Ex2: x = 123.45678
Msgbox round(x,2) O/P: 123.46
Ex3: Dim num, x
msgbox x O/P: 14
Ex4: Dim num, x
msgbox x O/P 15
Ex5: Dim num, x
msgbox x O/P 14
Ex6: Dim num, x
msgbox x O/P: Type mismatch Error
Ex7: Msgbox Round(100.45) '100
Msgbox Round(100.65) '101
Msgbox Round(-100.45) '-100
Msgbox Round(-100.65) '-101
6) Format Functions: FormatCurrency FormatDateTime FormatNumber
1) FormatCurrency: Returns an expression formatted as a currency value
2) FormatDateTime: Returns an expression formatted as a date or time
3) FormatNumber:
Returns an expression formatted as a number
4) FormatPercent
Returns an expression formatted as a percentage
7) I/O Functions: InputBox MsgBox
1) InputBox: Displays a dialog box, where the user can write some input and/or click on a button, and returns the contents of the text box.
Dim Input
Input = InputBox("Enter your name")
MsgBox ("You entered: " & Input)
2) MsgBox: Displays a message box, waits for the user to click a button, and returns a value that indicates which button the user clicked.
Dim MyVar
MyVar = MsgBox ("Hello World!", 65, "MsgBox Example")
8. Other Functions:
8) Miscellaneous Functions Or Other Functions: CreateObject Eval GetLocale GetObject
GetRef IsEmpty IsNull IsNumeric IsObject LoadPicture RGB ScriptEngine
ScriptEngineBuildVersion ScriptEngineMajorVersion ScriptEngineMinorVersion SetLocale
TypeName VarType
1) CreateObject: Creates an object of a specified type
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
‘Creates and returns reference of the FileSytemObject to an Automation object. It can be used for performing operations on computer file system
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'Creates and returns reference of the Excel object to an Automation object. It can be used for performing operations on Spreed sheet (Ms-Excel files)
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
'Creates and returns reference of the Word Object to an Automation object. It can be used for performing operations on Ms-Word documents
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'Creates and returns reference of the Database Connection to an Automation object. It can be used for Connecting, opening and Closing databases
Set objRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'Creates and returns reference of the Database Recordset to an Automation object. It can be used for performing operations on database tables (Records)
Set objPPT = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
'Creates and returns reference of the Ms-Power point object to an Automation object. It can be used for performing operations on Power point presentations
Set xmldoc = WScript.CreateObject("msxml2.domdocument")
'Creates a Data Base Object for executing the Stored Procedure
Set objcmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
‘Create a common dialog object for File Browser
Set objDialog = CreateObject("MSComDlg.CommonDialog”)
‘Create a shell object for Create shortcut folder on desktop or run the dos command
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
‘Create a Dictionary Object
Set objDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
‘Create Description objects used to locate that objects available or not ex: check box
Set objDescription = Description.Create()
‘Create an object for our new library after create the .DLL file in vb5/6
Set objDLL = CreateObject("QTP.Library")
‘Create a qtp object
Set objQTP = GetObject("","QuickTest.Application")
‘Create a Network Object for computer name
Set objNet = CreateObject("WScript.NetWork")
‘Create the shell object for service running or not
Set objShell=CreateObject("Shell.Application")
CreateObject Function
Syntax: Set variable=CreateObject("Class value")
'Create File System Object
Dim objFso
Set objFso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Create Excel application Object
Dim objExcel
Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'Create Word Application Object
Dim objWord
Set objWord=CreateObject("Word.Application")
'Create Database connection Object
Dim objConnection
Set objConnection=CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")
'Create Database Recotdset Object
Dim objRecordset
Set objRecordset=CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset")
'Create Database Command Object
Dim objCommand
Set objCommand=CreateObject("Adodb.Command")
'Create Dictionary Object
Dim objDict
Set objDict=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
2) Eval: Evaluates an expression and returns the result
Sub GuessANumber
Dim Guess, RndNum
RndNum = 2 * 100
Guess = CInt(InputBox("Enter your guess:",,0))
If Eval("Guess = RndNum") Then
MsgBox "Congratulations! You guessed it!"
Exit Sub
Guess = CInt(InputBox("Sorry! Try again.",,0))
End If
Loop Until Guess = 0
End Sub
GuessANumber O/P : excute upto guess no is 200
3) GetLocale: Returns the current locale ID
4) GetObject: Returns a reference to an automation object from a file
5) GetRef: Allows you to connect a VBScript procedure to a DHTML event on your pages
6) IsEmpty: Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a specified variable has been initialized or not
Dim x
Msgbox IsEmpty(x) 'True
Msgbox IsEmpty(x) 'False
7) IsNull: Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a specified expression contains no valid data (Null)
8) IsNumeric: It checks weather the given value is numeric or not and it returns a Boolean value True/False like result.
Ex1. Dim MyVar, MyCheck
MyVar = 53
MyCheck = IsNumeric(MyVar)
msgbox MyCheck O/P : True
MyVar = "459.95"
MyCheck = IsNumeric(MyVar) O/P : True
msgbox MyCheck
MyVar = "45 Help"
MyCheck = IsNumeric(MyVar)
msgbox MyCheck O/P : True
Ex2. x=isnumeric("India")
msgbox x O/P : False
Msgbox IsNumeric("India") 'False
Msgbox IsNumeric(100) 'True
Msgbox IsNumeric(100.345) 'True
Msgbox IsNumeric("100") 'True
Msgbox IsNumeric("100.45") 'True
Msgbox IsNumeric(#10/10/2010#) 'False
Msgbox IsNumeric(#Sep-10-2010#) 'False
Msgbox IsNumeric("1234*56") 'False
9) IsObject
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified expression is an automation object
10) LoadPicture
Returns a picture object. Available only on 32-bit platforms
11) RGBReturns a number that represents an RGB color value
12) ScriptEngineReturns the scripting language in use
13) ScriptEngineBuildVersion
Returns the build version number of the scripting engine in use
14) ScriptEngineMajorVersion
Returns the major version number of the scripting engine in use
15) ScriptEngineMinorVersion
Returns the minor version number of the scripting engine in use
16) SetLocale
Sets the locale ID and returns the previous locale ID
17) TypeName
Returns the subtype of a specified variable
18) VarType: It checks the data type or
Returns a value that indicates the subtype of a specified variable
Ex1: Dim x, y
Msgbox y 'O/P : 2 (Integer)
Ex2: x="Hyderabad"
Msgbox y ‘O/P : 8 (String)
Ex2: val="100.456"
Msgbox y ‘O/P : 8 (String)
Ex3: x=#10-10-10#
Msgbox y ‘O/P : 7 (Date format)
Ex4: x=100.56
Msgbox y 'O/P : 5 (Double)
Ex5: y=VarType(a)
Msgbox y 'O/P : 0 (Empty) for Uinitialized
Ex6: Set x =CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Msgbox y 'O/P : 9(Automation Object)
Important Functions: Abs, Array, Asc, Chr, CInt, Date, Day, DateDiff, Hour, Join, InStr, Eval, Time, VarType, Left, Right, Len, Mid, Timer, isNumeric, Inputbox, Msgbox, CreateObject, Round, StrReverse, strComp, Replace, Instr, LBound, UBound |
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