Thursday, 18 October 2012

QTP Life Cycle (7steps)

List of Topics for Enhance the Automation Tests: 1. Check Points,  2. Regular Expression,  3. Flow control Statements, 4. Functions/Actions,... thumbnail 1 summary

List of Topics for Enhance the Automation Tests:
1. Check Points, 
2. Regular Expression, 
3. Flow control Statements,
4. Functions/Actions,
5. Particularization,
6. Synchronization, 
7. Environment Variable,
8. Error Handling, 
9. Using Automation Object Model

QTP Automation testing:

Preparing the Run settings for the Application

Writing the Automation basic scripts
2.1 Using Object Repository: Object Repository Manager
2.2 Using Descriptive Programming: Dynamic Programming
Edit / Enhance the Automation Test scripts
Debug the test scripts
Execute / Run the scripts
Analyze the results
Summarize the results: : Report Defects in to QC (Result Window)

Prepare the Framework: Keyword Driven Framework

Export the Run-Time Result sheet to the TestLog in the Results.xls file

Automation Testing Process:

1. Identify the Object Features under AUT in QTP:
           Object identification
           Frame work
           QTP tool configurations

2. Generate the Basic Tests
           generating tests are 2 types
               or based scripts
               descriptive programming based script

3. Enhance the tests
           Enhance the scripts after generate basic scripts with the qtp    tool features.
     environment variables
     recovery scenario
     conrol structures
     using mthods
     connecting databases (oracle, sqlserver, mysql, db2,......)
     operations with flat file, xl sheet, database,
     object repository operations: delete, rename
     object identification
     smart identification
     function libraries 

4. debug the tests: after enhance the script debug the script with debug     features in debug menu

5. running the tests: run the tests after debug the tests.
6. analyze the results: analyze the restults exp with actual
    in test results window.
       reporter.reportevent / msgbox
7. report the defects: report the defects after analyzing the tests in the test result window.
     1. manual defect reporting
     2. tool based defect reporing ex; quality center.
      qc is 2 way integration features was there so that qtp tool can integrate with qc and other tools also like winrunner and loadrunner.

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